The Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) has issued its 2nd draft of its proposed new student discipline policy, which shows great improvement over the first draft. A feedback session for community members is scheduled for tomorrow (Feb. 27th) for the 2nd draft.
The 2nd draft exhibits a significant improvement over the first draft, including adopting a number of the suggestions I made in my comments on the first draft. These improvements include:
- The name has changed to the Behavior Education Plan which appropriately reflects the newly stated purpose of:
Creating Safe, Supporting and Thriving Learning Environments…where all students are able and expected to learn.
- A stated Shift in Practice which:
moves us away from zero-tolerance policies and exclusionary practices toward proactive approaches that focus on building student and staff skills and competencies, which, in turn, lead to greater productivity and success.
- An explicit recognition of racial and disability disparities in discipline which exist both nationally and within MMSD.
- Clear stated purposes of the plan.
- A strong emphasis on Positive Behavior Support and other pro-social interventions with a stated expectation that all school staff establish positive relationships with students.
- Students are granted the rights to:
Attend school and be valued members of the community; and receive instruction to learn school behavior expectations and social and emotional skills.
- Emphasizing that:
Understanding student behavior as an opportunity for learning is fundamental to a positive and progressive approach to discipline….Every reasonable effort should be made to correct inappropriate student behavior using Intervention Strategies and the least severe Discipline Responses possible….Because inappropriate behavior may be symptomatic of underlying problems that students are experiencing, it is critical that all staff be sensitive to issues that may influence student behavior and respond in a progressive manner that is most supportive of student needs.
- Acknowledging that:
Foundational to supporting positive behavior in all students is the use of effective, culturally-relevant instruction.
Together, these positive steps, if adopted by the school board, would place Madison along with progressive school districts such as San Francisco, which recently approved a policy favoring alternatives to suspension.
While these are huge steps forward, more room for improvement remains. Further steps forward should include:
- The 2nd draft includes separate plans for elementary school students and middle and high school students, but the differences between these plans are so minor that they are likely to cause more confusion than clarity.
- While 6 good purposes of the Plan are set forth, at least 3 should be added, including:
- Teaching appropriate behavior to all students;
- Ensuring that no instructional time is lost due to disciplinary practices; and
- Eliminating racial and disability disparities in disciplinary practices.
- While many “rights” are set forth, it remains uncertain what the school district’s response will be if those “rights” are not granted. For example, the “right” to “attend school” should trump suspension and expulsion. Furthermore, if the “right” to “receive instruction to learn school behavior expectations and social and emotional skills” is denied, will the school district refrain from punitive disciplinary practices?
- Adding clear annual school specific and overall district numerical goals with clearly stated accountability for implementing the pro-social interventions, reducing the school to prison pipeline, and eliminating racial and disability disparities in disciplinary practices.
While it is unlikely to be placed within the Plan, in order for MMSD to implement a progressive Behavior Education Plan, it needs to put significant resources into staff and student training. Advocates will need to encourage the school board to pass an improved version of this plan, but to provide the necessary funding for its successful implementation. It is time to adopt a policy which has zero tolerance for failure to educate all of our children.
For more information on how I can help you accomplish effective, progressive systems change e-mail Jeff Spitzer-Resnick or visit Systems Change Consulting.
Filed under: Accountability, children with disabilities, Discrimination, Education, PBIS, Racial Disparities, School boards, School discipline, School Suspensions, Schools to Prison Pipeline, Zero tolerance Tagged: Accountability, children with disabilities, Discrimination, Education, PBIS, racial disparities, school boards, school discipline, School suspensions, School to Prison Pipeline, zero tolerance